Lactose intolerance- also called lactase deficiency and hypolactasia, is the inability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and to a lesser extent milk-derived dairy products.
These two words may be haunting me. My sister gave me a little ring on the tele last night and told me she was lactose intolerant as a child and so was my cousin. My husband's brother and one of his children are lactose intolerant. Putting it all together, the reason why little Rylan boy could be vomitting and having stomach issues is because he may be allergic to milk. DUN DUN DUN.
On a note relating to the above subject, it could be something totally different; like he just has bad acid reflex or has a gentle stomach or is really gassy. There are tons of possibilities of what it could be. I wish I had a magic 8 ball to where the answer would mystically appear and all would be well.
I went to Walmart yesterday and I was looking at all the different formula's they had and I was overwhelmed. They have formula for gassy babies, fussy babies, babies with colic, babies that need a thicker formula, ect. It's like geez, if your baby was the wrong color, you'd think they'd have a formula for that too! I can see the commercial now: "Did your baby turn blue? Never fear! Just fill his bottle up with BLUE FORMULA and he will be back to normal in no time!" and then the voice that speaks really fasts adds that its not the companies fault is the baby is blue because he just so happens to be choking, not because he mysteriously, all of the sudden, turned blue. Anyways, I ended up getting the formula for babies that spit up and I am planning on doing half breast milk and half formula. There is an issue with that though. To do the whole half and half thing, you have to use the pump. Oh, I could rant about how much I dislike the pump for hours. I feel like a cow using that thing with a stranger just sitting there pumping on my utters. It feels like a suction cup is attached to your boobs and you're trying desperately to keep your nipples from being ripped off. Nonetheless, I used it last night to make a bottle and afterwards I felt like a decommissioned cow. My utters went dry. For the rest of the night I felt like I had no milk. Ry was getting fussy because he wasn't getting enough to eat, I was getting frustrated because I couldn't make milk, and then I started to cry. It is one of the worst emotions feeling like you can't take care of your child's needs. So Rylan was crying, I was crying, and it was just one big ocean of unhappy tears.
John took the night shift last night so I could sleep off the stress and be rested for today. That was really sweet of him because I know that he is secretly scared out of his mind to be alone with the baby for long periods of time. Men have this weird paranoia that the baby's head is going to fall off. Since when, in the history of time, has a child's head suddenly fallen off when you pick it up? I feel like I need to reassure my husband that if his head does pop off, the doctors can just glue it back on with super glue.
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