I could write about two things: the moment when my boy smiled at me yesterday or my diminishing sex life.
I have a feeling that the more appealing of the two to you, the reader of this lovey blog, would not be the fact that my sex life is currently non-existent.
I'll start off with my boy smiling because I feel like this is the more important of the two.
Yesterday, we were all sitting around the kitchen table. Mike and Kathy were playing cards and John was playing around on the computer. Little Rylan was being a fussy butt and I was holding him and trying to make him a happy camper once again. I was giving him all the kisses and tickling his little chubby belly. As I looked down at his adorable face, he looked me straight in the eyes and smiled. Oh, how my heart soared. I have been waiting for the day when I know that he can see me and yesterday he I knew that he could.
As for my non-existent sex life, its well, non-existent. After popping a baby out there are certain "rules" that you have to follow and certain bodily functions that who ever knew happened! Like who knew that you have a period for six weeks after the baby pops out! Who knew that you get stiches up your vag! And who knew that you can't have sex for months and months afterwards. Okay, total exaggeration. You can't have sex until your stiches desolve and and your period stops, so the doctors suggest six weeks. Six weeks, not too long, I agree. No big deal, right? Well, before baby pops out, and your ego is still prego, you don't really have sex.(At least I didn't for the last 2 or 3 of the 9 months.) You see, there is this big belly in your way and it gets a bit awkward when you're trying to do the whole love making thing and then the baby kicks you and your husband during your rockess love making session. Awkward for you, awkward for husband. Its just an awkward moment all around. So, you don't have sex while your pregnant, you can't have sex after your pregnant, so therefore your sex life becomes non-existent. I'm not too concerned about the whole "me" part of it because I'm not too worried about sex because I am a bit preoccupied with the whole taking care of a new born baby thing, you know? But, then I stop and think about my husband. I feel like I can't do my portion as a wife. I mean, men are different than women. Men need that sex life. And I feel like I'm not doing "my job." Now you women out there who are feminists might disagree with me thinking "Oh my gosh, she is going crazy. We are not under the mans thumb! We don't have to have sex with them when THEY want it." Well, ladies, I disagree with you. In order to keep the other half of the "happy couple" happy, you've got to give it up sometimes! Geez, YOU have needs, just our needs are a bit different than wanting to be boned. Sex may not be at the top of the woman's priority list, but I guarantee it is at the top of a mans. Hence, why I feel like an inadequant wife right about now. Plus, I can't reap the benefits either if you catch my drift. But alas, this won't last forever. I must reassure my husband of that daily. I think he may have a count down of days until we can make love again. If he had a calendar, I am sure he would have the exact six week mark circled and highlighted with a big star in the middle. Men.
On a less awkward subject for those of you who were just mentally freaked out by that last paragraph, I will update you on Rylan. He has been having A LOT of trouble spitting up and throwing up after every meal. We have decided that we are going to try half breast milk and half formula. We are going to use the special kind of "spit up" formula and see if that helps first. If not, we are going to switch to the "gentle" formula that is supposed to help with fussiness and upset stomachs and gas. We arn't sure if my breast milk is just too thin or if he has bad acid reflex or what, so we were told to try out a few different things.
I have had a lot of people tell me that he is "colicy" and I pray that he doesn't have colic. I have heard that that is just as bad a teething. But, no matter what, I will go through what I have too for my son. I hope this works though. I will write more about my insecurities about using the formula and pump later, but as of now, I must go and hold my baby boy.
Sorry for the TMI. I warned you.
On a less awkward subject for those of you who were just mentally freaked out by that last paragraph, I will update you on Rylan. He has been having A LOT of trouble spitting up and throwing up after every meal. We have decided that we are going to try half breast milk and half formula. We are going to use the special kind of "spit up" formula and see if that helps first. If not, we are going to switch to the "gentle" formula that is supposed to help with fussiness and upset stomachs and gas. We arn't sure if my breast milk is just too thin or if he has bad acid reflex or what, so we were told to try out a few different things.
I have had a lot of people tell me that he is "colicy" and I pray that he doesn't have colic. I have heard that that is just as bad a teething. But, no matter what, I will go through what I have too for my son. I hope this works though. I will write more about my insecurities about using the formula and pump later, but as of now, I must go and hold my baby boy.
Sorry for the TMI. I warned you.