I have learned recently that trust is everything. Without trust, there is not a lot left besides the few strings holding you together. It is like telling someone to jump off a cliff and trusting them when they say the rocks at the bottom wont hurt. Do you trust them? No, your better instinct tells you not too. But in love, you trust that person because you love them, if that makes sense. But there is only so many times you can jump off the cliffs and hit the rocks until you just cant trust anymore.
I want my son to be able to trust me; whether it be as little as me saying "hey, take this plate, its not hot." and him being able to take it without being burnt or as big as me explaining a life lesson to him. For example me telling him not to do something because from first hand experience, it is a bad choice to make. I hope that my son will be able to trust me enough to not do whatever it is because I said it was a rough path to take.
I dont take the topic of "trust" lightly. It is hard for me to trust someone and when I finally do, its hard for me NOT to trust them. They could tell me to jump off a cliff and told me the rocks at the bottom wouldn't hurt a million times, and a million times I could hit the rocks, and on time one million and one, I will jump again if they tell me too, hoping that the rocks will not hurt.
I honestly hope my son is not like me in that way. I hope he can trust people and when he is betrayed or hurt or lied to he can have the will power to step away and not trust them over and over and over again.
I guess you could say I am having some trust issues today.
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