Although I have already written a blog today, I feel like a significant mile stone has been passed and the urge to document it is killing me.
My husband is excited. Yes, I know this sounds like a silly thing to consider a "mile stone". Some may think its as trivial as me saying "I just went pee." But I have learned throughout these past 9 months that men do not react towards pregnancy the same way as women do. Shocker, right?
When we first found out I was pregnant, it didn't really come as a surprise. I mean, it wasn't a planned pregnancy at all, but we found ourselves sitting on the porch each night discussing baby names and how we have both always wanted to be parents. It didn't help that we lived right across the street from an Elementary School and every day you heard kid's calling out for their mommy and daddy when it was time to be picked up. Needless to say, we were thrilled when we found out.
Months passed. I feel like the responsibility of being a mother hit me as soon as I saw the plus sign. I quit smoking, I wanted to find out all I needed to know about eating right and what I can do personally to make my child develop right, yada yada yada. I've been in mama duck mode ever since. My ducklings are all in a row and I'm ready. John on the other hand has been through an emotional roller coaster over the past 9 months. He has been excited, anxious, fearful, scared, you name it and he has felt it, I'm sure. These past few weeks have been creeping up on us as the due date became closer and I could tell that it was not excitement running through his head but nervousness and fear.
Today, I get a call: "I'm going to be a daddy!" I think he is more excited than I am, if that is possible. I got phone call after phone call today of "Is he here yet?" and "I can't wait, I can hardly focus at work." Yay! Papa Bear is finally on board and I feel ten times more prepared then I have all day.
I've got my right hand man, all my bags packed and ready to go, and I feel at peace. For now anyways. We will see how the rest of the night goes.
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