I have been looking up "tips" from other moms who have been induced on the Internet. For future reference, it was a horrible idea. The idea itself may have been worse than the idea of the Holocaust. For some reason, every mom who has ever had a bad experience being induced has decided to write all about it on every blog forum they see. It was like one mom was trying to up the other moms story. "My induction lasted 3 days!", "Well, my induction ended in an emergency C-Section!", "Pshh, girl, that's nothing! My induction was so bad I sued my hospital!" Like goodness gracious women, I was just looking for some tips like "You may throw up after the epidural" or something. I felt like I was reading an episode dialog of "Maury".
I was calm at first but now I'm freaking out that my child's arm will rip my uterus and the epidural will only numb half my body and I'll be bed ridden and they wont let me walk around. Then there are the doctor's who say getting induced is unhealthy and when your baby is ready, he will just pop out, basically informing me that I am an idiot for getting induced.
The most help I have received has come from a close friend. She told me all about how she got induced and everything was fine. I was looking for tips like the ones she gave me: positive reinforcement such as don't eat the night you go in or you may just poop yourself and relax when the epidural is given to you, it only hurts when you tense up. POSITIVE! POSITIVE!
Speaking of positive, my hopes are still high for Rylan to be here sometime tomorrow, though I now have the thought lingering in the back of my mind that labor may just take 2-3 days and I wont get to hold my son until Friday. But that's not positive, is it? Positive thought! I think that the day he COULD be here is cool. 7-11-12. Every time I hear 7/11 I think of that little jingle "7/11, Oh thank heaven." I thank heaven every day for my little angel about to enter the world, so a jingle to go along with it is kind of spiffy. Also, it is apparently national blueberry muffin day. Who doesn't like blueberry muffins?! Why wouldn't you want your child to be born on a day dedicated to blueberry muffins? If I were a mathematician though, which I am not, I think I would want my child to be born on some significant date, like 6-2-12. 6 times 2 is 12. 12 divided by 2 is 6. Then again, I am no mathematician, so I guess that doesn't really matter.
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