Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Abortion, Homosexuality, and Harry Potter.

WARNING: This particular blog may offend people. It may not. These are just my opinions and my thoughts. You can make the choice on whether or not you agree with me, disagree with me and hate me forever, or just take in my thoughts/opinions and move on with your life.

I went to church tonight and a lot of things were spoken about that I felt like I disagreed with, or rather that I was not on the same page with. The few that I will hit on tonight are abortions, homosexuality, and Harry Potter. (Do remember, that these are my opinions.)

Abortion: Personally, I would never get an abortion. I think that every life is special and deserves to be lived. I feel like if you think you are old enough to have sex, then you are accepting the responsibly of possibly bringing a life into the world. Protection doesn't always work, people. It is a true fact. And yet, that is were the issue comes into play. Some people blame the fact that their protection didn't work on having their child. Yes, your protection didn't work, but from that came a beautiful life. If you are not prepared for bringing a child into the world, then you shouldn't have sex. Simple as that. There are other ways than having an abortion though if you see that you are an unfit parent. For example, if you are a drug addict and feel like you can not get off said drugs and raise your child in a safe environment, you're damn right you should not keep that child- for the child's sake. That does not mean that you should automatically pop a knife up your vag and pull that egg out. Put it up for adoption, possibly have a family member raise it for you until you are clean, etc. etc. Don't kill the kid. You made the choice to have sex whether you wanted a child or not.

I guess where I felt like I was a "bad person" while listening to the sermon is yes, I don't think abortion is right, but I am not going to push my beliefs onto someone else. If you feel like that is the right decision (though I personally think it isn't  then so be it. It is your life. It is you who will have to live with that choice, not me. I heard a statistic that 4,000 babies are aborted each day. Whether or not that is true, and whether or not I think that it is a bad thing or a "whatever" thing, it is a fact and there is nothing I can do about it by holding up a sign and saying that I am not for it. I guess what I am getting at is that I feel like it is a choice, an option, one that I deffinately don't agree with, but one that is out there.

I remember in one of my history classes the topic of abortion came up and the teacher asked "If a woman is raped and and gets pregnant through her rapist, do you think that it is alright for her to get an abortion?" I got stumped there. I mean, she didnt technically choose to have sex. She was raped. And yet, she got pregnant. The question basically came down to do I personally think that she should kill the baby? My answer was no. But then again, I was not the one who got raped and pregnant. The choice is hers in the end and she will have to deal with whatever choice she makes.

Homosexuality: I have tons of gay, bi, and lesbian friends. This is a tough topic for me to talk about because I know either way I am going to offend someone. And tonight, in church, I felt like an outcast. Though the Bible looks down on same sex marriage, I don't. Once again, personally, I would not go for another girl. (Proof being that I married and have a child with a male.) But, if someone finds happiness with another human, whether it be male or female, who am I to deny them that happiness? A topic that I hear regularly is same sex marriage and how people view it as being "wrong". It may be... for that particular person. But not for everyone. Is being gay a choice or are you born gay? I don't know. I'm not gay. I couldn't tell you. Can two men raise a child the same way a woman and a man can? Personally, I think absolutely  That child will have as much love from two men as they would from a man and a woman. Is it moral? I'm not sure. Is it "right"? It depends on your views of right and wrong. Once again, just like abortion, its not me. I am not one to go around saying "you are wrong for being gay." Because you arn't. You love someone full heartedly and if that person is the same sex as you, then that person is the same sex as you. Personal opinion.

Harry Potter: Once again, here I am feeling like an outcast at church. While everyone is nodding their heads agreeing that Harry Potter is full of darkness, I don't see it that way. I grew up reading Harry Potter. It is still one of my favorite book and movies series. Yes, I understand that it is full of witchcraft and wizardry. That's what the entire series is about. From my point of view, it is what you do with it. If you go out and worship satin and believe that you can fly on a broomstick, personally, that is wrong. But if you read the book and watch the movies because they are entertaining and a good read, then I don't see it as being "wrong". If my son wants to grow up watching and reading Harry Potter, I will let him. If he gets into witchcraft, then I will take the books away and slap him across the head with one of them and knock some sense into him. I think its what you take from book and series like Harry Potter. To me, its just imagination. It does not make me believe in witches and dark magic or anything like that. Just like any book, it takes me to a different world and lets me brush up on my imagination. To me, Harry Potter isn't bad. To repeat myself for the 15th time, its what you could take from it that is bad.

Someone said something tonight that really stuck with me though. It was something along the lines of "If you look at things in a harmless way, then you wont be able to see the danger in it." I guess an example that came to my mind is smoking. I see it as harmless though I know that every time a pick up a cigarette, I am damaging my body. I view it as harmless, but not only am I giving the people around me second-hand smoke, I am putting harmful chemicals into my body. Does this make me a bad person for smoking? I do not think so. Though is it something that I need to work on quitting  Most deffinately. I want to live over the age of 60, thank you. But how do you "quit" Harry Potter? Is it something that needs to be stopped? And not just Harry Potter, but all books that are stories about witches or sorcery or whatever. Honestly, as a Christian, I am not sure. Am I bad Christian for enjoying these things and reading the books? Am I going against God by reading Harry Potter? Who knows.

That is my nightly rant. I hope I did not offend you, the reader. If I did, tough luck.

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