Monday, January 14, 2013

Big Boy Food

Today, Rylan started eating carrots. 

Some other mothers have asked me why I started Rylan on "big boy food" so late.
First off, Rylan has had some digestive issues in the past. For about two or three months after he was born, he had some problems pooping. He had to have some dilated prune juice for awhile. His doctor suggested not to start him on oatmeal and cereal until his digestive track was normal for a few months.
I think another part of me just didn't want my baby boy to start growing up. Obviously, I can't stop time and he will grow up whether I want him to or not. 

It has been exciting with him eating, though. It's always a fun mess. He sure does like the food! We have only tried carrots and blueberry applesauce so far but he seems to like anything he can eat! He still loves his bottle. Its like he can never get enough to drink. He is a growing boy!

I've heard from here on out, time goes by so fast. From big boy food to crawling to talking to walking. My baby boy wont be a baby forever. I guess I will have to accept that sooner or later. As for now, I am going to cherish every moment I get to hold him and feed him and kiss his darling cheeks as many times as I want. 

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