Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ways to Improve & Update

I have been thinking of ways that I can improve my life style so I can be a happier me and in turn be a better mommy. That's all I want to be is a good mom.

1. Meditation
I have started a new nightly ritual. After Rylan goes to sleep, I end up doing homework for a few hours. Facebook always distracts me so a 1 hour homework session always turns into 2 or 3 hours. Anyways, after I get done with homework, I sit on my floor and meditate in the dark, sometimes with soft music in the background. Having that silent time to myself has really brought me some sanity. I think I have my own form of meditation. I don't know if I "do it right", but having that quiet, positive thinking time really helps me think happy thoughts before I go to bed and in turn I wake up happier.

2. Vitamins/ Eating Healthier
I have not been taking my daily vitamins. I think that if I get into the habit of taking my vitamins and not having ANY fast food, I will feel better. The hardest part will be cutting out cokes from my life. I have gotten into the nasty habit of drinking 1-3 44oz cokes a day. I have gotten addicted. Like, for me to function fully, I need to run down to the gas station and grab a coke-a-cola. One, that is a tone of money down the drain. Two, no one ever said coke was healthy for you. Even though I wish it was... daily.

3. Yoga
Well, I already have the yoga pants, why not put them to good use? I have realized that it has been six months since I had Rylan. I can't pull the "its still baby fat" trick anymore. Granted, I know that I will not be 100 lbs again unless I start downing diet pills and become anorexic again. (Secret: I have to tell myself daily to not throw up my food and that being 100 lbs was unhealthy. Secret #2: I only think I am skinny enough/pretty when my ribs look like they are sticking out. Basically when I look like I just stepped out of a concentration camp. Don't judge or ask me why. It is just something I deal with on a daily basis.) Anyways, I want to be healthy. Not anorexically skinny. I want to be able to look at myself and think that I am a good, HEALTHY weight. So, I think Yoga would be a nice, quiet workout for me to do when Rylan takes naps during the day. Also, I heard its really relaxing.

John and I have come up with a plan to stop smoking! I have tried these past few months, but with John not on board, it has just been a failed mission. Its hard to quit when there are cigarettes constantly around. But! Hopefully, in a few months, we will be a smoke free household. Now, for those of you who do not know, we do not smoke around Rylan. When we are driving and he is in the car, we don't smoke. We do not smoke inside our house, we always step outside. I am determined to quit smoking! I hope that this works because I miss being able to breathe.

Update on Rylan Boy:
Oh, how it has been a long week. My little duckie is still sickly. Even though he has not been feeling well, he has a continuous smile on his face. You can't even tell he is sick until he starts hacking up a lung or snot drips straight from his nose to his mouth. Which is gross every time. Ry has never been super sick before so this is a new experience for me. I find myself waking up at night just to check on him. Night time is a horror. Every time he coughs it sounds like he is choking so I rush up to make sure he is alright. Sometimes he coughs so hard he starts to vomit and chokes. It scares me because I don't know when it will happen. Sleep has not come easily these past few days to say the least. Tomorrow I will be calling his doctor to see if there is anything else they can do for him. The antibiotics he was put on do not seem to be helping much. Hopefully he will heal quickly and he will able to get back to his normal, happy self.
Even though he is sick, I am so thankful for my baby boy. He brings so much joy to our home. Watching him go through these sickies like a champ makes me so proud. I love my baby boy.

"If there's anything to say, If there's anything to do, If there's any other way, I'll do anything for you."

Monday, January 28, 2013

My sick little man

Today has just been an overwhelming day for me and I am sure it has been a big day for Rylan too.
Poor little guy has RSV. His cough has gotten increasingly worse, he is throwing up, and running a fever.
This is the first time that he has been really sick and I feel like I have handled it... well, like a new mom who has no clue what to do would handle it.

When his doctor called me back and said they didn't have any spots open for him to come in and to take him to the urgent care... I freaked out.
When we got to the Urgent Care office and they said he was sick... I freaked out.
When they gave him a breathing treatment... I freaked out.
When I didn't have enough money to get him his antibiotics... I felt like I needed to receive the bad mother of the year award.

For the past few nights I have been having the worst night terrors. I guess I do it to myself, though. I follow a lot of children on facebook who have childhood cancer or some type of illness. I figure its the least thing I can do is pray for one of these kids each night. Every prayer helps, right? But every time I look at a page, I just image what pain I would be in if Rylan were to get super sick. My mind does this stupid thing where it makes up stories and instead of it being some random person, its Rylan. So, like I was saying, for the past few nights I have had night terrors of Rylan having to have chemo or I am sitting at Rylan's funeral or Rylan was just diagnosed with something horrible and I can't get a hold of my husband to tell him so I am sitting all alone. Today, when he was coughing none stop and throwing up, its like my head was reviewing these night terrors and it took everything in me to not just break down and cry. And no, I am not on my period.

Worst mother of the year award goes to me. I go to Walmart to get his prescription filled and only have 40 dollars with me. Long story short, while I was at the register ready to pay, Rylan starting hacking up a lung and the cashier was just looking at me like, "and you have him out, why?". Then, when she said it was going to be 65 dollars, I just looked down at the cash in my hand and said I couldn't afford it right now. She seriously looked at me like I was white trash, gave my son a sympathetic look, looked at me again and rolled her eyes, and told me the prescription would be there when we would have the money to pay for it. I cried the whole way home. My husband was able to get paid for some of the work he has done and is currently going to get the antibiotics. But still, the worst feeling ever is having something to help your sons pain go away right in front of you, and you cant get it for him.

I am thankful that we know what is going on with my poor little baby.
I hope that he will get over this soon and start to feel better.
Good thoughts and prayers are always appreciated from those of you who actually read these blogs.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Something simple - just another day

It amazes me how much joy such a little guy can bring to so many people. It is usually a Sunday when I realize what an impact Rylan has already made on so many people's lives.
My husband's father is a preacher so every Sunday we sit front and center at the church. By the time church is over, Rylan has gotten hugs and kisses from half of the congregation and has been passed off at least three different times to be held by people. He sings and dances when praise and worship is going on and just loves to listen to his Grandpa preach it!

By the time Sunday has come to a close, Rylan has brought so much happiness to so many people... and he can't even talk. His smile can light up the world. His eyes have so much to say. His heart is always willing to love on someone new. I hope that when he gets older he won't forget all the charming characteristics that he has now. I hope to be able to teach him to love more, smile more, and speak kindly.

I love my son to pieces. I am so blessed to have him in my life.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Ramblings on Home school vs Public School

With all the recent school shootings, John and I have often asked ourselves what we think the right decision for Rylan will be when he gets to the schooling age; Home school or Public school. He and I were both home schooled and went to public school, so we got "the best of both worlds" so to speak.

I remember loving and hating home school. I remember loving and hating public school. School is school and at one point and time in your life, you're going to hate it. Even if it is just one day, you will feel the wrath of ten home work assignments and a six page report over some random disease looming over you and you will hate school.

It brings me to the question, which I have already stated, what will be the best choice for Rylan? Should we home school him or send him to a public/private school? I guess one of the few reasons of why I wouldn't want him going to a public/private school is just with all the recent shootings. I admit, I am fearful. Everyone always says, "Oh, that won't happen here." But what if it does? What if I send him to a private school that bases their teachings off of Christianity?  Maybe someone against Christianity will come in and start taking their anger out on my child and his fellow class mates. On the other hand, what if someone breaks into my house while I am teaching my son and shoots us for our TV? I'm being serious. Shootings happen everywhere. It is probably more likely that I will get shot in my own home than my son will at school - but just the thought makes me shake. Can I protect my child more if he is home schooled? Most likely. But am I going to make Rylan wear a suit of armor every time he walks out the door for his protection? No.

Home schooling was, at times, a blast. I went to home school groups and still got to be in band/orchestra, I learned how to ball room dance, I got to go to art classes... on those days, it was a blast! But at home, I basically had to teach myself. I remember waking up and having my assignments written out for me and I wouldn't even see my ex step mom until after lunch. I felt so lonely on the days I didn't go to Praise or Excelsior!. That being said, I feel like I would be a better teacher. Rephrase that. I hope I would be a better teacher. (I feel like my knowledge in the math and science department is lacking.)

Public school was, at times, horrific. Other times, it was the bomb diggity. The reason why I was home schooled in 7th and 8th grade was because I came home crying on a daily basis in 6th grade. I was teased about my height or my hair or this and that. The deal breaker was when someone made fun of my birth mom for only having one arm and asked me if my arm was going to fall off one day. Kids can be cruel. Another positive for home schooling. You don't have the teasing! On the other hand, you don't have the interaction of being around people on a daily basis. Home schooling can kind of shelter children from all the hate, but it can also shelter them from learning how to react in hateful situations or just learning how to deal with life in general. I know the transfer from home school to public school my freshman year was a huge change. I had to get back into the swing of going to classes and doing homework and interacting with other students and teachers. I had more opportunities to get into musical things that I liked, such as school plays and marching band. I have always been a people person and I think public school really enhanced that.

I guess there are positives to negatives to each. It will be a big decision when that time comes.
As for now, I am going to hold my baby every second I can get and not think about the horrible acts of ugly that are going on in the world.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The big day- when you realize this wont last forever

Today was the day. January 18, 2013- John Rylan sat up by himself.

He has sat up by himself before for a few second, or even a few minutes. But today.. today he was a big boy.I sat him down gently on the carpet and sat behind him like I usually do to steady him if he tipped over. A couple of minutes went by and his butt seemed to be glued to the ground. I stood up and grabbed my camera and took a few shots. A few minutes later, he was still there, unmoved. I took a few more pictures and watched the clock as time past. Ten minutes passed and I was almost in tears. I sat on the couch (right next to where he was sitting) and watched him play with some toys. Fifteen minutes passed. I snapped some more candid shots. I then did an experiment. He could see me the whole time and I know he knew if he started to fall, I would catch him. So, I stood up, and pretended like I walked out of the room. I stood behind him a few feet and watched his reaction. He looked around to see if I was still there. When he could not find me, he sat silent for a while, once again not moving. A few minutes passed and all of the sudden I heard a loud screech and a giggle. He started slightly bouncing on his bum and playing with his toys in front of him. He was so excited to be sitting up by himself with, what seemed like, no supervision.

Today was a day I will never forget. A milestone for my little man. He sat up by himself for a good twenty to thirty minutes. He would have done it longer, but I had to pee and didn't want to leave him in the living room sitting up with no supervision. I think today was a day that he found out something too- he can do things without mommy. When he sat there for a few minutes, looking around to see where I had gone, he looked as though he was processing that mommy was not there. What should he do? How should he react? After moments passed, he realized, too, that he was a big boy.  He will not remember the first moment that he didn't need mommy anymore, but I sure will.

My baby boy is growing up so quickly in front of my eyes. I was looking through pictures of when he was born and it was crazy how much he has already changed and grown. He looks so much older than he did three months ago. And those three months seemed like three days. I am excited to see what the next few months will bring, but I hope that they don't fly by as fast. I know that I will miss these days. I already do.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mommy 101

5 Things You Learn On A Daily Basis

1: Poop is never the same:
Some days, poop is green. Some days, poop is mushy. Some days, poop looks like a rock. Some days, its as liquid as a glass of water. Some days, poop is black. Some days, poop does not come for a visit but the next time it does come, you'll be sure to take out your trash as soon as the diaper is off. Nonetheless, it always smells. Whether it be a strong smell or a little smell, poop's smell never fails to go up your nostrils and make a little home up there for a minute. Be prepared.

2: Farts are funny:
Every time my son farts, he laughs. He thinks its absolutely hilarious when a bubble comes out his butt and makes a sound. I find myself laughing too each time he farts. Laughing is good for the soul. So, I guess that makes farting good for the soul too.

3. Smiles are contagious:
No matter how down you get, no matter how tired you are, no matter how annoying that scream is, remember to smile. When you smile, baby smiles. When baby smiles, everyone is happy!
That is one thing that I have learned quite well. When my son is crying and screaming and throwing a fit, I start singing a silly song and I do a silly dance and something magical happens- he smiles. The world is right when that boy smiles.

4. Baby is number one, not number two:
The boy always comes first. When he is not first, he can sense it. For example, today I was studying and little man was in his play exersaucer thing. Low and behold he sees mommy. Mommy is not paying attention. He makes some noises and bounces around a bit. Mommy does the "that's nice dear" type of thing and goes back to her school work. WHOA BUDDY. Big mistake. When baby wants attention, put down what you are doing and give it some lovin'. Even if it is only for a minute, it means the world to your child.
The other day I was outside and there a little boy playing on the monkey bars. He was begging and begging for his dad to watch him and his dad never looked up. You could see the hurt on his face when he finalized realized that his dad was not going to watch him. Being a parent comes first. Everything else can wait.

5. Bath time is play time:
Rylan barely ever cries in the bath. Usually, when he does, its because I am rushing through it. He loves the water! If your baby loves the water, take some extra time to just let them play! Rylan loves to splash and enjoys chewing on the rubber duckies. Kids can never have too much fun, so let them have fun! And enjoy the splash while your at it. If you didn't get the time to take a shower that day, consider it a mini bath.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A poem for my sweets


Sweet child of mine
Where has the time gone
The days pass by quickly
From each dusk to each dawn

I remember the day I brought you home
I held you tight in my arms
I knew that you had stolen my heart
That I would always protect you from harm

You grow up by the minute
In front of my aging eyes
You can do whatever you desire
Remember from the rubble you can rise

The Lord blessed me with you
There is nothing that you lack
You will always be perfect in my eyes
I love you to the moon and back

Monday, January 14, 2013

Big Boy Food

Today, Rylan started eating carrots. 

Some other mothers have asked me why I started Rylan on "big boy food" so late.
First off, Rylan has had some digestive issues in the past. For about two or three months after he was born, he had some problems pooping. He had to have some dilated prune juice for awhile. His doctor suggested not to start him on oatmeal and cereal until his digestive track was normal for a few months.
I think another part of me just didn't want my baby boy to start growing up. Obviously, I can't stop time and he will grow up whether I want him to or not. 

It has been exciting with him eating, though. It's always a fun mess. He sure does like the food! We have only tried carrots and blueberry applesauce so far but he seems to like anything he can eat! He still loves his bottle. Its like he can never get enough to drink. He is a growing boy!

I've heard from here on out, time goes by so fast. From big boy food to crawling to talking to walking. My baby boy wont be a baby forever. I guess I will have to accept that sooner or later. As for now, I am going to cherish every moment I get to hold him and feed him and kiss his darling cheeks as many times as I want. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Motherhood after 6 months

So, I haven't blogged in a long time and tonight is one of those nights where I just feel like writing. I wasn't sure what I was going to start writing about, but since this is a blog about motherhood, I suppose I will start there.

My darling son, John Rylan McCleary Douglas, turned 6 months old today. Words can not describe how fast those few months flew by. I have learned so much from him in so little time and I am already so proud to be his momma.

I praise God every day, multiple times a day, for my handsome boy.  I know I have mentioned this before, but ever since I was little, I wanted to be a mother. People would ask me, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" and I would reply, "a mommy." My greatest dream has come true. I am a mommy. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know that it would be so hard. Some mothers make it look so easy. But, I have to admit, sometimes I feel like my nerves are broken and my eyes are glued open from lack of sleep. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

 Rylan has been my light in the darkness. Even on my worst days, I can just pick him up, hold him, and automatically feel loved. He has taught me patience. I have always been so impatient. I can be sitting in a parking lot for 2 minutes and think it has been 30 and start getting aggitated. But when you are sitting in the car with a screaming baby who just wants to be held, trying to calm him down by singing sweetly, you realize what patience is. To me, it is handling yourself in a calm fashion and being able to make lemons out of lemon aid. I cherish those moments when he cries, because I know he wont be crying for mommy forever. I cherish the moments when he wakes up in the middle of the night after having a bad dream, because I know I wont always be able to be there to hold him. I cherish every smile, every slobbery kiss, and every time he falls asleep in my arms.

Being a mom has taught me how to really enjoy life and have fun. I had my son when I was 19. I got pregnant 2 months after quitting some pretty hardcore drugs. The moment I found out I was pregnant, I quit smoking, cold turkey.  (But don't give me props for that, because a month after he was born, I picked back up a cig. New Years resolution is to quit again. Fingers crossed.) My definition of fun before Rylan was going out and goofing off and quite frankly, being irresponsible. But Rylan has taught me what real fun is. Fun is playing peek-a-boo for twenty minutes and laughing non stop the entire time. Fun is singing along to every Veggie Tale song. Fun is having "conversations" with a 6 month old about a dirty diaper and making up a song to go along with it. Fun is teaching him how to use a spoon and laughing when he takes it out of my hands and food goes all over the couch. Fun is tickle time. I could go on for hours. The point is, I didn't know how much joy a child could bring, how drastically being a mother changes you and how much... (I wish I could think of another word for fun) ... fun life could be!

My husband, John,  has been a great support to me through everything.This has been our first year of marriage and, trust me, it has not been the smoothest. But he has been a good father to Rylan through it all. I think it took some time for him to let go of being the rambunctious people we once were and move into "father mode." But he has done beautifully. He is always talking about how he can't wait to play cars with him and teach him this and that. I know when Ry gets older, he will always have that man figure to confide in. John Paul loves his son full heartily and I know that he will always be there for him through thick and thin.

Our families have both been so supportive through it all. Both of our parents have taken us in when we had no place to go, they have helped us financially, emotionally, and sometimes mentally when we need a little extra help. I can not express the thanks I have for all of them. From the moment they first met me, John's family has never judged me and has always given me a listening ear. My family has encouraged me and loved me through it all. They all love Rylan with all of their hearts and I know Rylan loves them. I can't wait until Rylan can play with all of his cousins. John's sister, Laura, had twins last January so they are about 6 months older than Rylan. It will be so much fun when they are older and can play together. He has 7 cousins, all 13 years old and younger, on that side of the family. He will have a blast at family get together's with all those cousins! My sister, Erin, spoils him to death since he is the only baby on that side of the family. My dad, Gampaw Louie, absolutely adores him. It is so great to have a family support system.

                                                                  Douglas Family

                                                                      Gampaw Louie

                                                                   Momma, Rylan, Aunt Erin

John Rylan is my pride and joy. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He has taught me more in the past 6 months than I have learned in my entire life. He has taught me true joy, how to love, patience, and much more.

These past six months have been a blast. I would say "I can't wait for the next six months", but I can. I don't want my baby boy to grow up too fast. I love every second I can hold him and kiss him without hearing, "Moooooom, you're embarrassing me!". He has my heart and I never want it back.

Happy six month, John Rylan. You are my knight and shining armor  Thank you for everything that you have taught me, your unconditional love, and your beautiful smile. I love you to the moon and back. Always and forever.