Monday, August 20, 2012


I already hate school. What a load of donkey dodo.
My financial aid wont go through because apparently my PIN isn't correct. Um, excuse me? I have used the same gosh darn pin for all my accounts. Then you want me to change it. Okay. I change it. But does it work? No. Does this stuff always happen to me? Yes.
The last time I was planning on attending college (Yes, this is not the first time. Don't judge.) something got all screwed up with my financial aid and I couldn't get into any classes until the week before the semester started. Well guess what? The semester starts today, I am expected to pay Ivy Tech x amount of money, I am expected to buy books and supplies and my gosh darn student loans haven't gone through because of a silly PIN. The financial aid office wont even know what to do. I have disabled, reconnected, changed, done everything to that darn PIN that I can and it still doesn't work.
This is the problem with schooling. Why should I have to pay $3,000+ a semester, plus books, plus supplies, in order to just broaden my mind? Why should it cost so much money to actually do something with your life? If you want to be a pizza delivery guy for the rest of your life, you don't have to put out anything. But to actually do something respectable like nursing or teaching or whatever, you have to pay thousands of dollars. Then, when the government offers to help you, (in my case) it mysteriously never works out.
I am so frustrated! All I want to do is learn. It really shouldn't be this complicated.
I am having some major temper issues this morning. I am trying so hard to control my frustration and to just keep it all in, stay calm, and just think positive. But I know that the financial aid office is just going to tell me to go home and do the exact same thing that I have been doing. I know that they will not be a help at all and my financial aid wont go through. (Well, I dont know that. That is just negativity talking.) I dont know why I am being so negative. I rally need to turn my attitude around or my whole day is going to be ruined by this.

Technically classes start today. I dont know how to access my online classes so I am going to a little 30 minutes training session thing today to learn about blackboard. I am hoping that it will be as easy as pie and that I will be able to do the first assignment without a darn book.
I think my nerves are getting to me and causing the frustration to be much worse than everything actually is if that makes sense. *Sigh*

I need a nap.

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